The NDIS, like Medicare, is a public insurance system. Larter has been delivering NDIS-related services since 2016, and our work builds on our years of experience helping primary care organisations and providers to understand and work within the Medicare system.
Working with local partners, we have been developing an ongoing understanding of the disability insurance scheme, the role of Local Area Coordinators (LACs) and Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) providers, the development of markets to provide NDIS-funded services, and the practical needs of health and community providers for information and assistance.
Our recent NDIS experience has included:
- Assisting three primary health provider organisations in Victoria to prepare to deliver NDIS services
- Writing a business case for the establishment of disability accommodation in rural Queensland
- Delivering “NDIS for general practice” training in Victoria and Queensland
- Writing multiple funding applications to the NDIA for an LAC and ECEI provider
Supporting general practice to work with the NDIS
Larter has worked with PHNs, the NDIA and LAC/ECEI providers to build general practice understanding of the NDIS and their capacity to help patients with NDIS access requests. Our training incorporates:
General NDIS overview
This includes the pillars of the insurance scheme; what constitutes ‘disability’, and eligibility for NDIS; and understanding what the NDIS funds and what it doesn’t.
The role of general practice in supporting patients
This includes GP role in supporting patient NDIS access requests (and understanding the evidence that may support access requests); ongoing care coordination with allied health and community care providers; recognising the importance of ‘functional impairment’; and ensuring the practice environment is ‘disability friendly’.
Working with specific patient groups
This includes a brief overview of specific cohorts: 0-6 (ECEI), young people living in residential care, adults (LAC), and those with special needs (for example, CALD, Aboriginal, LGBTIQA+).
Our education
Larter has been developing and delivering education modules for general practice and the broader primary health care sector since 2008. Our experience comes from 19 years of working in the health, community services and government sectors. We have a deep understanding of the culture of general practice, what is important to busy GPs, practice management and the multidisciplinary nature of practices.
Larter collaborate with your team and based on an assessment of your needs, we can tailor or create the content of education modules. We can also provide various formats including face-to-face, webinars and online learning modules to suit your learning requirements.
Please contact or call us on 1800 LARTER (1800 527 837) to discuss your education needs.